
In English, all our children will aspire to speak, read and write fluently and confidently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions, acquiring knowledge, building on what they already know; they will develop the essential skills of language which will enable them to participate fully as members of society.
To achieve a love of Literacy, our English curriculum is organised carefully across the whole school. At Wilkinson Primary School our Literacy sessions include:
spelling and/or
phonics, and comprehension.
These skills are taught during our daily literacy session, which is 1 hour long. From Reception to Yr. 1 most children are taught Literacy through their RWInc. Lessons receive phonic lessons that lay the ground work for becoming fluent, engaged readers.
Once the children have completed this scheme they then move on to being taught through a Literacy Session which builds on their prior learning. However, we aim to ensure that Literacy skills are not isolated within Literacy sessions but are an essential part of all curriculum areas so that the children are practising using their Literacy skills throughout the day. All of the child’s written work is based around the topic being covered that term. This means that the child sees a purpose to their writing as it stems from the work being covered from other areas of the curriculum. The child also has books and other reading material connected to their topic which allows the child to use their reading skills across the curriculum to access information. This information obviously extends the knowledge of the topic being studied.
Our curriculum will allow the child to become fluent reading individuals of a wide range of literature. The children will gain pleasure from what they read or hear being read. Their reading, as well as their vocabulary development from what they hear and be taught, will provide them with a rich source to be able to write with knowledge and confidence in a well-presented way with good spellings. The children at our school will have experienced a vast range of literature presented in a variety of ways which will equip them to move through their lives and continually find pleasure reading and writing.
Click on these links to find out more about Literacy teaching at Wilkinson.

Each year the whole school spends two weeks looking at a Shakespeare play. There are workshops with professional actors to help present a short scene from the play. Last Year we looked at...

... please take a look at the videos of some of our scenes.