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School Performance Data

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School Performance Data Tables


The table below show performance data for the last academic year 2022-2023


The percentage of children achieving a Good Level of Development at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage is above the National Average.

The percentage of children passing the Y1 Phonics Screening Test is well above the National Average.

In Reading at the end of Key Stage 1 the percentage of children achieving the Expected Standard  and  achieving Greater Depth is in line with the national average.

In Writing at the end of Key Stage 1 the percentage of children achieving the Expected Standard  and  achieving Greater Depth is above with the national average.

In Maths at the end of Key Stage 1 the percentage of children achieving the Expected Standard is in line with the national average and the percentage achieving Greater Depth is above with the national average.

In Reading at the end of Key Stage 2 the percentage of children achieving the Expected Standard  and  achieving Greater Depth is below the national average.

In Writing at the end of Key Stage 2 the percentage of children achieving the Expected Standard  and  achieving Greater Depth is above with the national average.

In Maths at the end of Key Stage 2 the percentage of children achieving the Expected Standard and the percentage achieving Greater Depth is above with the national average.


Explanatory Notes

EYFS = Early Years Foundation Stage

GLD - Good Level of Development - the expected standard for a child at the END of their RECEPTION Year

PSC- Phonics Screening Check  - a test taken towards the end of Year 1 to check whether children can recognise letter  and multiple-letter sounds and read them in a variety of real and non real words.

KS1 = Year 1 and 2. Assessments are made towards the end of Year 2

KS2 = Year 3 to 6. Assessments are made towards the end of Year 6

RWM - Reading, Writing and Maths results combined

GPS - The Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test in Year 6

EXS+ - Children achieving the EXPECTED STANDARD and ABOVE

GDS - Children achieving GREATER DEPTH 

Average 'Scaled Scores' - The marks a child gets in a test are converted to a scaled score. A scaled score of 100 or over means the required standard has been achieved. The average scaled score is everyone's scaled score added up and divided by the number of children.

MTC - A test taken towards the end of Year 4 to check children have learnt all the times tables up to 12x12

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